
Graham Greene I Spy

An Ordinary Woman „итайте также:. Bette Greene УAn Ordinary WomanФ. Graham Greene УI spyФ. Marjorie Sharmat УMay I have your autograph?Ф 4. Kerr УDo you want my opinion?Ф Rosa Guy УSheФ. James Joyce УEvelineФ.

Harry Mazer УFurloughФ. Мир чувственных вещей в картинках. William Somerset Maugham УThe Happy ManФ. Stephen Leacock УMy Financial CareerФ. Susan Beth Pfeffer УPigeon HumourФ. Eleanor Farjeon УAnthony in Blue AlsatiaФ.

Jesse Stuart УLoveФ. Judie Angell УTurmoil in a Blue and Beige BedroomФ. Richard Peck УPriscilla and the WimpsФ. Hector Munro УFrom the Lumber-RoomФ. Sid Chaplin УThe Day of the SardineФ. Robert Lipsyte УFuture TenseФ.

Стилистический анализ текста: Graham Greene “I Spy” The text under stylistic analysis “I Spy” is written by Graham Greene in the. Graham +без регистрации бесплатно - узнаете до мелочей.

Kevin Major УThree People and Two SeatsФ. Edgar Allan Poe УThe RavenФ.

  • Aug 21, 2011 - Henry Graham Greene, урождённый Генри Грэм Грин, 2 октября 1904, Беркхэмстед, графство. 1991 — Reflections; 1994 — I spy.
  • Стив, вы, наверное, читали гриновское I Spy? (Graham Greene) [new Автор так написал рассказ, - О стиле Грэема Грина (Graham Greene) / Фан-клуб.

An Ordinary Woman 1. Bette Green is noted for the intense emotional connection that readers have with her novels.

She studied in Paris and at Columbia University. Her first novel-Summer of my German Soldier. In l975 Bette Greene won Newbery Honor Book Award for Philip Hall Likes Me. The title prepares us to the context of the text.

This is a story about an ordinary teacher with ordinary life problems. She has such problems that everybody can have. The story takes place in her house and the author pay attention to the description her daughterТs room(со сл. Готовые шаблоны скриптов продаж.

So I stand there at the thresholdЕ).By this description the author shows the problems and helps us to imagine her life. УAlthough the centre hall has always been the darkness room in the houseФЧshows her inner world. After husbandТs death everything in her life is dark, pity, without sense of life.

5.psycological (many recollections) 6. ExpositionЧwhen she calls to school and say that sheТll be late ClimaxЧwhen she is in the daughterТs room DenouementЧwhen she changes the lock( УBut if you someday return to slipЕФ) 7. 1 st person 8.A lot of recollections which help to make psychological portraitures of the characters; not many descriptions (daughterТs room),dialogues 9. The basic conflictЧinternal. She makes a complicated decision to say good-bye to her past. 10.The main character-Mrs Brooks.

The minorЧher husband Steve, daughter Caren and her ex-student David. She loved her husband very much, missed him (So you see way to help usЕ).She loved Caren too but she decided to part with Caren(When you were a little thingЕ).The relations with David shows us that she is a very good teacher(You were my favorite English teacher). 11.inderect(through actions, thoughts, recollections) 13.I pity Mrs Brooks because she has a lot of problems and has to go through a lot of troubles (SteveТs death, fire, daughterТs drug addiction).But I think she is a very strong person. Colloquial (junkie) 15.dark, heavy, pity, depressive, melancholic (ex. Dark house, daughterТs burn roomЧsymbols of the past 17.

Rhetorical questions(Where did I go wrong with our daughter? Was I too strict?

No time for that now- now time?);exclamations (Stopit! IТm not listening to you any more!); set expressions (Never mind that now); epithets( acrid smelt, extraordinary power, lucky lady, the darkest room, smoke-grey glasses);metaphors(all-protecting arms);comparisons(He grins as though I have given him a present.

His eye drop as though he is taking in the intricate pattern of the hall rug); repetitions )luck, lucky lady, ordinary woman, may be);complex sentences. The destiny of ordinary woman 19. The message of the story is explicit: it shows us how difficult to live alone,to make decisions alone without help, to forget the past, say goodbye to it, begin new life. I like this text. It is very true to life and make us to think about our life. G.Greene СI SpyТ 1. Graham Green was born in 1904 and educated at Berkhamsted School.

On coming down from Balliol College, Oxford, where he had published a book of verse, he worked for four years as a sub-editor on УThe TimesФ. He established his reputation with his fourth novel, Stamboul Train. He wrote The Lawless Roads and, later, The Power and the Glory.

One of major post-war novels, The Heart of the Matter is set in West Africa. This was followed by The End of the Affair, The Quiet American, the story set in Vietnam, Our Man in Havana, and A Burnt-out Case. His autobiography A Sort Of Life was published in 1971.

Graham Greene I Spy

The title prepares us to context of the text. This is a story about a little boy who heard and saw by chance how his farther was arrested. The description of the house and the nature at the beginning of the story prepare us for smth unpredictable and mysterious. The description of the shop and footsteps (УIt was too dark to see his wayЕФ) The setting of 'I Spy' does a great deal to support the central idea of having to choose ones moral decisions. Exposition Ц when he decided to go to the father's shop to smoke Climax Ц when the policemen came to the shop and arrested his farther. Denouement - when he understood that his farther loved him and mother.

There are a lot of authorТs narrations. There are a lot of descriptions (house, nature, shop, boy) and dialogue and psychological portraiture of the character. (Boy: УHe was 12 years oldЕФ Farther: УHad no doubtЕФ). The basic conflict is internal. At first the boy think that his farther doesn't love him and mother but then he understood that his farther loved him and mother and cares about them. External Ц conflict between farther and the police.

Greene explains, through the conflict that his protagonists suffer, that sometimes society's morals are artificially removed, for example in a time of war in which the object is to kill as many people as possible that aren't on your side. In these situations, people have to make their own decisions about morality and right and wrong, and this absolutely terrifies them. This is shown in 'I Spy' through the characters, imagery, and setting in the story. The main character is Charlie Stowe. The minor characters are farther, mother, policemen.

Charlie loves his mother very much and thinks that the farther he doesn't love farther(УHad no doubtЕФ). He thinks that the farther shows only Фdemonstrative loveФ for him and his mother. But accident with the police shows that farther truly loves them. Direct (author's descriptions) Indirect (through actions, speech) 13. At the beginning of the story boy was foolish, he didn't understand that his farther and had a children idea of life.

I think Mr Stowe was a real farther of his family and cared about his close persons. The tone and atmosphere are tense and heavy (УCharlie cowered in the darkness. Charlie Stowe was frightenedФ). Heavy and depressive atmosphere makes the dialogue between the police and the farther.

There are a lot of complex sentences but in the dialogue use short sentences(УThere.Ф ФWell.Ф) Proverb: Never do today what you can put off tomorrow. The author compares his fatherТs Ђlittle shopї with the Reszke, Abdulla, Woodbines which under a Ђthin hazeї of Ђstale smokeї Ц epithet, which disguise his crime.

To point out a steal author uses parallel construction Ђhis crimeї, Ђit was a crimeї. Then author tells us Charlie didnТt love him at all, to prove it Graham Greene uses comparison: he was unreal to him, a wraith, pale. Thin, and indefinite Ц all this is the enumeration. To show us the relation between boyТs parents author uses epithet: for his mother Ђhe felt a passionate demonstrative loveї, Ђher boisterous presenceї, Ђnoisy chantyї filled the world for him.

Also Green uses cliché Ђfrom the restor;s wife to the dear Queenї except ЂHunsї, which shows how boyТs father judged his mother to everyone. Then we can see antonomasia Ђaffectionї and Ђdislikeї, comparison Ђas indefinite as his movementsї which points at the fact that Charlie donТt know whether to do his work or not. And he decided to do it. The text under stylistic analysis ЂI Spyї is written by Graham Greene in the style of fiction. It deals with authorТs feelings and emotions about relations at school, relations in the family. The main theme of the story is how main character of the story Charlie Stowe was able to steal some of his fatherТs stock Ц a packet with cigarettes from his fatherТs shop, with the purpose to prove his classmates that he is not a little boy. The theme of the story is that real parents should pay enough attention to their children, to bring them up properly in order that there wasnТt conflicts in their family.

Graham Greene I Spy На Русском

I like this story. It is very true to life and make us to think about our life an relationships in our families. 1 ¬се материалы представленные на сайте исключительно с целью ознакомлени€ читател€ми и не преследуют коммерческих целей или нарушение авторских прав. (0.008 сек.).

Стилистический анализ текста: Graham Greene “I Spy” The text under stylistic analysis “I Spy” is written by Graham Greene in the style of fiction. It deals with author’s feelings and emotions about relations at school, relations in the family.

Graham Greene I Spy Перевод

The main theme of the story is how main character of the story Charlie Stowe was able to steal some of his father’s stock - a packet with cigarettes from his father’s shop, with the purpose to prove his classmates that he is not a little boy. The idea of the story is that real parents should pay enough attention to their children, to bring them up properly in order that there wasn’t conflict’s in their family. So in the beginning of the story we have an exposition, where we get to know about the main character Charlie Stowe; the time of the seen is night. Charlie Stowe waited in his bedroom until he heard his mother snore. Then we got to know that it was the time of war, as ’searchlight passed across the sky, seeking enemy airship’.

Then Charlie draught the thought the cracks in the window frame. We have a detached construction in the second paragraph from the world ‘But the thought of the tobacconist’s shop’ where author pays our attention to the fact that Charlie wanted to smth with it. Then we see that he was 12 years old and that boys at “County school” nocked at him because he had never smoked a cigarette. The author uses periphrases concerning to cigarettes “The packet were piled twelve deep below”. The cigarettes were called Gold Flake and Players. The author compares his father’s “little shop” with the Reszke, Abdulla, Woodbines which under a “thin haze” of “stale smoke” - epithet, which disguise his crime.

To point out a steal author uses parallel construction “his crime”, “it was a crime”. Then author tells us Charlie didn’t love him at all, to prove it Graham Greene uses comparison: he was unreal to him, a wraith, pale.

Thin, and indefinite - all this is the enumeration. To show us the.